
UniData Create and Compile And Run BASIC

To start off you need to create a directory, a folder you want to store the code in. Why? Lord knows but it likes to be in a "file" and a "file" can be a real file or a folder. Go figure. Essentially a file is a table. Within this table/file which in this case is going to be a real folder are real files with the code in.

So let us create the file as a folder or DIR, directory


CREATE.FILE is the command, logical enough.
DIR is an instruction to the CREATE.FILE to create this file as a directory.
MYPROGRAMS is the name of this new file and will be the name of the folder created
101 is as yet a mystery. It's to do with the file size, modulos and how much stuff can be put in there.

So in the file structure you'll find a shiny new folder called MYPROGRAMS. Open this up in windows that's just fine. Now create a new file, proper file that is. Call this file TEST

NOTE!! Do not give the file the same name as the folder! Unidata no likey.

Open TEST in a plain old text editor, notepad or Visual Studio Code will do just fine. In the file enter


and save the file as per normal. Now we need to compile this into something Unidata can run. Again quite easy


BASIC is the command that will compile the code
MYPROGRAMS is the "file" but in reality the folder that the code is in
TEST is the name of the real file, but in Unidata it's one attribute or row in the file or table...argh!

This will create the file


in the MYPROGRAMS folder. This is the compiled code and there's norra lot you can do with this. To run your shiny new program


RUN is the command that will run the code
MYPROGRAMS is the "file" but in reality the folder that the code is in
TEXT is the name of the real file, but in Unidata it's one attribute or row in the file or table...argh!

And there we go.

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